
我的Poipiku: 2171229

I shouldn't delete the video of Sam is singing, it would be so much fun! Maybe next time then.

我不应该删除Sam正在唱歌的视频,那个真的很逗! 也许下次吧。

(Clint and Hela are still married (they have three kids now, don’t know how they manage to do that), but Clint still living in Nat's house, don't know why he doesn't move out, Nat just delivered a baby she also changed her last name, but I couldn't find the father...She is also single, I checked)


(Nikia [T'challa's wife] is also here, see if you can spot her in the pic)

(Nikia [T'challa的妻子]也在这里,看看是否可以在图片中发现她)

(Sam is married to some NPC that I don't know.)


(Loki and Thor married and divorced and each of them married to someone else)


(Valkyrie, Okoye, and Carol are still single)

